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*Our mission is to provide the highest possible level of service to our patrons. To help defer the costs of providing this service, fees will be added on all tickets. These fees cover all the costs related to fulfilling your ticket order including labor, technology, equipment, supplies and postage.

A $10% per ticket service fee is added to all Philadelphia Orchestra, Philly Pops, Pennsylvania Ballet, Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Chamber Music Society and select Kimmel Center Independent Presenter orders.

Independent presenter events, Kimmel Center Presents and Film at the Perelman fees vary by event. A $9.50 per ticket service fee is added to all Broadway Philadelphia orders. Select Kimmel Center Presents performances and Independent Presenter performances and all Broadway Philadelphia performances have an additional per order service charge.

These service fees are added to all tickets purchased over the phone or web. Reduced fees of $2 per ticket are available when tickets are purchased in person at the Kimmel Center Box Office (currently closed). Tickets priced at $10 or less have no added fee when purchased at the Kimmel Center Box Office.

Please call 215-893-1999 for more information.